Tips To Reduce Thinning And Breakage of Hair

Eufora Complete Thickening Regimen

We all want beautiful hair, so below are some tips on how to reduce thinning and breakage of hair (brought to you by our friends at Eufora):

  • Limit multiple chemical services in your monthly routine, such as coloring and professional hair straightening. Reduce bleaching of your hair as well!
  • Limit heat damage to your hair by lowering the temperature setting on your style tools when you can.
  • Embrace your natural hair’s texture and reduce the use of flat irons and curling irons, which ultimately lead to hair breakage.
  • Take a break from hair extensions, too. Hair extensions can cause unwanted stress at the follicles of your hair and can contribute to hair loss and breakage.
  • Use the complete Thickening Regimen (seen above) exclusively for 30 days to see and feel thicker, fuller hair!


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