Category Archives: PRODUCTS

Our New Favorite Product – Huile Mirific

Guinot | Oggi Salon & Spa

Looking for your new favorite hair and body oil? We’ve got Guinot‘s latest “Huile Mirific” – full of essential plant oils and vitamins to protect your hair and skin from harsh winters that can leave it dried out and weathered.

Come on into Oggi for your own bottle before they’re all gone!


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Have A Great Hair Day!

OggiHairThe difference between a great hair day and a bad hair day starts with the condition of your hair. The elements can take a toll on your hair after a summer of fun, leaving your hair dry and brittle. Each hair type has different requirements for nourishment, so make sure you choose the best product for your own hair! Conditioning treatments are a good start towards good hair as well as a leave-in-conditioner that works with your desired style. Some of our favorites here at Oggi include these Top 10 products from the Kerastase Paris Professional line! Come into Oggi to pick up your own deep conditioning treatment today!


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Tips To Reduce Thinning And Breakage of Hair

Eufora Complete Thickening Regimen

We all want beautiful hair, so below are some tips on how to reduce thinning and breakage of hair (brought to you by our friends at Eufora):

  • Limit multiple chemical services in your monthly routine, such as coloring and professional hair straightening. Reduce bleaching of your hair as well!
  • Limit heat damage to your hair by lowering the temperature setting on your style tools when you can.
  • Embrace your natural hair’s texture and reduce the use of flat irons and curling irons, which ultimately lead to hair breakage.
  • Take a break from hair extensions, too. Hair extensions can cause unwanted stress at the follicles of your hair and can contribute to hair loss and breakage.
  • Use the complete Thickening Regimen (seen above) exclusively for 30 days to see and feel thicker, fuller hair!


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Retire The Blow Dryer!

Retire The Blow Dryer!

Summer is hot and humid enough that there’s no better time to learn how to embrace your hair’s natural texture! Retire the blow dryer today and keep reading for some great tips for healthier hair from our very own Cathy!


  • Opt for a braided look! Braids never go out of style and are easy and effective to maintain your long hair in the hot summer months. They work on all hair types, too! For fine-haired girls, the release will create an awesome beachy-texture. Amp up the volume and texture with our new KMS Sea Salt Spray!
  • For curly-haired girls, braids will help tone the wild frizz that inevitably comes with summer humidity.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner like KMS Curl Up Control Cream on damp hair before you braid your hair. This will create a supple and manageable texture. If the classic french braid is too difficult for you, try doing a twist, using two sections of hair instead of three. If your hair is long, a hanging fishtail (also a two section braid) looks fresh and fabulous.
  • If all else fails, nothing is chicer or easier than the classic bun. Hair “donuts” are available now in a wide range of colors and sizes, making having the perfect bun very achievable in under two minutes flat! Simply pull your hair into a ponytail where you want your bun to sit. Slide your “donut” through the ponytail. Fan your hair over the donut and simply secure with an elastic band.
  • Summer weather can also wreak havoc on hair. Sun, salt, sand, and chlorine can leave your color faded and your tresses lifeless and brittle. You must protect your hair accordingly! Once or twice a week, use a deep penetrating hair mask to replace the moisture being lost.
  • Also, sunscreen isn’t just for your skin – your hair needs it too! Kerastase’s Huile Celeste not only provides protection against the sun’s harsh rays, but it also keeps your hair hydrated and leaves a beautiful sheen all without feeling the slightest bit greasy.

What are some of your favorite summer hair tips? Let us know in the comments below!


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Get Thicker Hair With Eufora

Eufora Complete Thickening Regimen

Let’s talk about hair loss. Women today complain more than ever before about losing their hair and having unwanted, thin locks on their head. There are multiple causes for hair loss in women (anything from poor scalp health and stress to excessive heat or chemical services or tools), but one thing is for sure: we all want beautiful hair. We’re huge fans of Eufora’s Complete Thickening Regimen for thicker and fuller hair within 30 days!

This five piece collection comes with a cleansing treatment, conditioning treatment, scalp treatment, thickening serum and nutritional support. Use these products religiously and see some major differences in your hair! “Eufora’s Thickening Collection delivers the latest in scalp and hair science to create the optimum scalp environment for healthy hair growth and to improve the strength and elasticity of hair that is prone to breakage.”

We’re huge fans of this collection, and so should you be! Come into Oggi for your own regimen and leave with the promise of more beautiful hair.

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